Traditional Wooden Snowshoes for Sale | Coos Canoe & Snowshoe
Coos Canoe & Snowshoe
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Modified Bearpaw
Modified Maine
Wooden Snowshoes
   Wooden Snowshoes are normally made of steam bent Ash wood woven with rawhide. There are many different  styles to choose from that all have their particular advantages for certain types of snow, terrain and other conditions. The modified bearpaw is the most popular as it is quite usable in most all conditions. Traditional hand made wooden snowshoes tend to provide better flotation than their modern day counterparts made of metal/plastic and thus are ideal for breaking trail in fresh powder. The modern shoes are good for packed, frozen trails as they are small and have good cleats. I do sell cleats to put on wooden snowshoes though which provide a little grip if you are in icy conditions. I also make and sell a popular type of leather harness which I've had very good results with for many years. 
   As for sizes there is no specific size you must have but the principle to go by is, the bigger the shoe the more flotation and the more weight it will float. If you are a small person you don't need as much flotation so go with a smaller size. When you order I can help you with this question.
   The length of the shoe also is important. Shorter shoes are more maneuverable and thus good in brushy conditions. Longer shoes with tails tend to slide along a little easyer and track better and so are good for open trails.
   If you order shoes with harnesses they will come mounted and ready to use. If you order cleats the holes will be drilled so you can readily attach them.
9x30 - $235.00
10x32 - $245.00
10x36 - $255.00
11x39 - $265.00
​12x40 - $255.00
13x40 - $265.00
10x48 - $255.00
11x54 - $265.00
10x56 - $285.00
1.5"x 4.5 - $35.00 for pair
Leather with nylon toe strap
Copyright 2013: Coos Canoe & Snowshoe. Handmade Rocking Chairs. All rights reserved.
504 North Road 
Lancaster, NH 03584 
603-631-5269 |

​Super A Type
A+ Type
Leather with Poly Toe Straps